617-302-2163 [email protected]

Personal Injury

If you’ve been injured in any type of accident including car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian, slip and fall, or dog bite, you need a qualified Personal Injury Lawyer like Seth D. Klotz who knows how to get you the maximum compensation possible.

Physical injuries are only one type of damage. Other harm you may be compensated for include property damage, medical expenses, lost wages, loss of future earnings, loss of companionship, and impact on your daily life.

Immediately following an accident, your first call should be to a qualified Personal Injury Lawyer like Seth D. Klotz, even before speaking with an insurance company . . . either the other party’s or your own. If you answer questions from an insurance company representative without first speaking with an attorney, you may unknowingly make harmful or incriminating statements, even though you are trying to be helpful. Insurance company agents and claims adjusters are trained to obtain as much information as possible including reasons why they should not pay. Statements you make could be recorded and may be used to against you to deny liability or to decrease your settlement. Don’t fall into this trap!

It’s a mistake for anyone to attempt to reach a settlement with an insurance company before consulting with an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer like Seth D. Klotz. Let us help you get the justice you deserve.

Attorney Seth D. Klotz handles all Personal Injury matters in the Massachusetts Courts.

Please call today for a free initial consultation and to schedule an appointment with Attorney Klotz. Call 617-302-2163.

Let us know how we can help.